珠稟。 · 10 answers · 7mo

What would you do if you found out that your closest friend cheated on their partner?

I can't stand cheating behavior, I will be disappointed in them and slowly distance myself. But when they try to talk about it to me, I will try to warn them about their behavior. If they want to hear it, that's good, but I still don't want to be close to them anymore, like why should I be friends with someone who can't keep trust and does stupid things to to their loved one?

I was in this phase. Karena gak bisa diingetin, aku memilih buat jaga jarak. Bebal soalnya.

Be honest with my opinion about it, but i'm not gonna do anything. Sekalipun kenal dengan kedua pihak, itu bukan ranahku.

Talk to my friend, ofc. Ajak ngobrol dulu. Kalau masukan dan saran udah ga diterima, I'm out.

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