yaya · 4 answers · 1y

Hii! Tell me which movie/series/cartoon/etc character do you think is the closest/most similar to yourself? Would love to hear the reason too. Have a great day ahead!

It will be Nathaniel Aldrich from Tweening webtoon. I can relate to his pain the most and we both healed in the end. I need 5 months to think who I fit the most 😂

I could tell it's.. Patrick or Spongebob's cousin, Stanley. I can be clumsy clumsy person and always say "Sorry, Guys. It's my mistake again." when I lost my way to walk, dropping my phone, losing anything (including my last ex), and broke everything, poured something, and fall to the floor accidentally. I hope it gives you the answer, Lala. Have a great day for you too.

i think i can see myself in amy santiago from brooklyn 99! she can be bizarre at some times, yet she's also hardworking and ambitious, also she knows how to have fun with her own way. by the way, thank you for the question mm, i hope your day is great as well! ♥️

Bukan character tapi lebih ke orang, 3 ORANG TEMAN DEKAT SAYA DAH BILANG INI SAMPE KUPING SAYA BUDEG. The similarity maybe because of these chubby cheemkies and poni kali ye wak? OH, karna sama sama bocil kematian jugak 🙏🏻

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