Jethro. · 14 answers · 7mo

3 things that upset you?

  1. Kalo Jethroku sedih
  2. Kalo Jethroku capek karena studio dan neverending projects
  3. Kalo Jethroku gak makan

Being treated like im not a human? Its kinda complicated to explain, but once i felt so, i tend to feel upset since i didnt let people easily coming closer to me

And when someone breaking my trust of them

Self-doubting, orang yang berkendara di tengah tapi terlalu santai, yang ngecek HP tanpa izin

  • Ignored by people whom I love
  • Being pressured by people
  • Things did not go as planned (ENTJ things)
  • Pulang malem kalau Koas. (ini sedih banget, tiap hari sedih).
  • Jaga Malem (ini juga sedih banget).
  • Ujian akhir stase.

Apa ya agak banyak tapi kalau disuruh jawab 3 aku akan jawab bad attitude, ngantre duluan tapi dilayanin belakangan, being replaced whatever the reason is. :[ Ini tiga paling bikin kesel dan marah sih heheheheh. Semoga nggak pernah ngerasain ini lagi kecuali yang kedua masih suka kutemuin. Sebel.

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