Maureen. · 7 answers · 10mo

How to deal with your insecurity?

One way to deal with my insecurities is to focus on the positives in my life. Take some time to reflect on the things I’m grateful for, and remind myself of the ways in which I’m good enough. Challenge any negative self-talk and replace it with more realistic and positive thoughts. Give myself some forgiveness and be kind to myself. Avoid comparing myself to others, also try talking to someone I trust about how I’m feeling.

By crying, and then I will try to do anything to make my confidence back again. Simply as, I put make up on, buying new clothes, or tell my friends to validate my feeling.

Biasanya sih mengais validasi ke orang-orang sekitar, terus berusaha improve diri sendiri aja sih, sama jangan pernah bandingin diri sendiri sama orang lain, bandinginnya sama diri yang sebelumnya aja. There must be a lot of progress and you should proud of yourself.

itu hal yang paling sulit buatku. tapi aku baca ini di webtoon, salah satu cara buat ngilangin insecure itu harus sering sering bercermin. tapi pas lagi cermin jangan lupa ucapkan mantra "kamu keren, kamu cakep, kamu yang terbaik"

Come to terms with it. Accept whatever we ourselves have, without questioning it.

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