Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 31 answers · 1mo

QOTD — What eases your mind? Do you have any tips on how others can too?
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thinking about how productive i was in the past year & thinking about fyodor & nanahachi & the girl from my dreams, unsure if this can be of help for others though

 "Music is the thing, y'know, I do that as much as I can. It's, y'know, just, I mean, being alone and playing music is probably the best." is from an interview with Jackson Browne, and I have to agree. It really is the best. Just being creative, picking up a new skill, will open up your world. I also find that just being kind and truly realizing that others see me can help, but others may find this ... anxiety-inducing.

I love to listen to meditation guides⸝ and if it's something related to a "desire"⸝ then I will listen to subliminals. ໒ ྀི⸝⸝´ ˘ `⸝⸝ ა

Journaling my feelings & allowing someone to read it⸝ to ask me questions also eases my mind. Otome games and romance anime too⸝ because that way I am "always loved". Music is great too⸝ it doesn't even have to be "calming" ... Dance along too⸝ as moving will "remove" stress and wear out your body!

⠀*⠀ Probably just, Talking to My (Boy)Friends ﹠ Thinking of …⠀ Lan.⠀ That⸺ Eases Me the most.

Talking to my (boy)friends, archiving, hoarding, organizing, making edits/themes... That usually stops me from spiraling too much, haha.

Lots of things - I chant, meditate, and listen to calming music when I'm upset or panicked. I also drink "sleepy tea" in the evenings before bed, usually chamomile. Or pet my cat.

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