Negm Roderick

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Scaredy Duckz · 5mo

owkaii kalo gitu, tapi aku malu mau dm hehehe, tebak aja kalo gitu aku siapaaa

Wkwk malu ngapa dah?? Gue ga bisa nebak jujur ... lu moots gw kah? Soalnya retro gw tuh ga gw put di bio

Scaredy Duckz · 5mo

helloo, can i get closer with you? Hehe

Hi, there. Of course you can:D just reach me out on my DM or if my post passed by your timeline pls don't hesitate to interact there with me. Gue selalu membuka kesempatan buat berteman😎

🐳 · 5mo

Saran lagu" RnB dong

♥️ · 27 answers · 5mo

guys nama OC kalian siapa? aku lagi bingung mikirin nama untuk cast AU-ku.. nyang ngga keberatan namanya aku pakai boleh jawab yah :3

Ada beherapa OC gue yang belum gue pake secara menyeluruh. Sadananda Oktovian Handaru (muse: Heeseung) sama Yathazeev Paramananda (muse: Jake Sim)

Haru · 10 answers · 10mo

Do you have any different way to cook something? such as noodles or eggs.

Bjir mmaaf ya bru gue jawab😭 gue biasanya masak mi tuh setengah mateng ... jd kdg kayak msh ada keras setengah lembut gtu misal bikin mi goreng. Trus gue suka ceplokin telur ke mi gue:D nothing special tbh

𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 · 10mo

Happy weekend! Any song suggestions to kick off this Saturday?

HELLO by Treasure will refresh your Saturday, I guess? Ah, also Tamed-Dashed by ENHYPEN🤩🤟🏻

Haru · 14 answers · 10mo

What's a really popular song that (sadly) didn't match your taste in music?

Lagunya Twice yg Alcohol Free? Dan jg bbrp lagu Twice lain. Sbnrnya enak sih but don't match my music's taste ajaa😞😭

Jio · 22 answers · 10mo

Terakhir cut off orang karna apa?

Karena dia pernah flirty ke gue saat gue ada pacar (wktu itu msh sama mantan) dan juga dia selalu ga berusaha utk memperbaiki diri dr saran2 yg udh gue coba kasih

♥️ · 8 answers · 10mo

thoughts on me anyone? :O

♥️ · 5 answers · 10mo

guys ada yang mau mutualan lagi ngga? akun kittenyo_o aku kesuspend T_T (crying)

Jio · 25 answers · 10mo

Kalau ada kehidupan berikutnya, kalian mau jadi apa?

♥️ · 8 answers · 10mo

guys, kalian ngantukan ngga sih? T__T

Haru · 16 answers · 10mo

Suggest me a song from your favorite artist. Please don't "listen to all their discography" me... thank you so much, pals!

♥️ · 12 answers · 10mo

saranin anime yang seru dong temen-temen? :o

Maaf yaa gue ga terlalu nonton anime:( gue dlu ada nonton cuma gakuen babysitter😭😭

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