Haru · 16 answers · 9mo

Suggest me a song from your favorite artist. Please don't "listen to all their discography" me... thank you so much, pals!

I’ve been listening to 90s R&B’s like Aaliyah and Reza Artamevia! But you should definitely listen to one of Mother Reza’s songs: Aku Wanita!

i would suggest serta mulia and jelita by sal priadi, also langit favorite ku by teddy adhitiya.

DENGERIN INTO YOU by ariana grande please, atau ga DIE FOR YOU. udah, itu lagu fav sepanjang masa dariku. 🖤

Gw akhir-akhir ini lagi suka play on repeat Paper Plane (Acoustic ver.) by Peder Elias.

These days I like DPR Ian's Intro in his two EP. The MITO, and Seraph. Also, the other kinda same vibe called MITO Reborn from DPR Archive pt. 2. They give me chill like dark intense modern orchestra.

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