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Friends. · 6mo

zodiak kamu apa?

Friends. · 6mo

How are youuu?

Berlyn ✧ · 12 answers · 7mo

how's your first day in 2024? and do you mind to tell me what your wish for this year?

Friends. · 8mo

halo haru! i stumbled across your account a few days ago and i think you're a very fun person to be around with, pengen temenan sama kamu.. kamu kayak keren KEREN banget gitu T___T MAAF aku malu reach out buat minta temenan hueshsfkgj. i hope you're always well and i hope happiness will always be with you in every step of your journey, haru!!! 💗

Selamat siang, Anon! maaf baru bales yaa. Baru ada waktu kosong soalnya nih.. 💔 boleh banget kalo mau temenan. Kamu mau DM duluan atau drop uname mu aja disini?

Nala. · 19 answers · 8mo

Guys, kira-kira kalian kalo new life bakal bawa temen kalian yang di life sekarang atau ngga?

Serenity · 18 answers · 9mo

What kind of compliments will definitely send you to cloud nine?

Any form of words that compliment my edits.. that's the only thing i think i'm good at currently.

Nala. · 13 answers · 9mo

Ada ngga sih kata atau kalimat sederhana yang sebenernya biasa aja tapi menurut kalian itu sedikit nyebelin?

Kalau aku paling sebel sama kata "yaudah" apalagi kalau di luar situasi emang harus di-yaudah-in, if you know what i mean

Nala. · 12 answers · 9mo

Do you have someone you didn't know would be the one who always fills your days?

Miles Yue, Idan, Allegra, Adnan, Aby etc. Masih banyak yang awalnya gue ngira gak bakal deket.

Nala. · 12 answers · 9mo

Apa yang ada di pikiran kalian 2 menit sebelum baca tulisan ini?

Nala. · 8 answers · 9mo

Do you guys have any favorite memories with a particular person? What's that?

Raya · 8 answers · 9mo

what’s your favorite indonesian word? kecuali “uang” yh

Ellison · 14 answers · 9mo

Kalian lebih suka panas sebulan penuh atau hujan deres sebulan penuh?

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