nyom · 26 answers · 2mo

heeeey what's your favorite color? {and why?}

Navy blue, crimson red, van dyke, olive, porland orange, tuscany, brown oak. {Not why why}

Every time someone would ask me that question, I’d have a different answer. I have lots of colors I enjoy.

I love all colors. ketika ditanya favorit mungkin aku jawab berdasarkan warna baju2 aku aja ya KWKWKW. Black and blue. Soalnya yg paling cocok di kulit dan udah nyaman. What about you?

Mainly blue. Whenever I see something related to blue, it makes me happy and relaxed somehow, just like seeing the stars and skies, even seas.

I don't know that much about colours but brown, light brown, and black colors always suit on me.

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