Ly, Holly Marilyn B.

Wear the coolest clothes, lots of pearls, draw butterflies, drink tea, be gentle, never hide the wings 🖤🪽

Seattle, WA
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Jaskar Rahadi · 2mo

Hello there, i just passed by some random menfess comment and found your retrospring. Can you follow me back if you don't mind

Whispering Star · 7mo

Have you ever been to Australia?

Mmm, never been there.. but I'm always interested (and pray) that one day I can visit this country to spend the holiday! Or maybe even live there????? Ahahahah, idk.. from the informations I got, I think Australia is really a great place! Right...? t___t BUT A THING FOR SURE, AUSSIE ACCENT SOUNDS CUTE (this what makes me extremely wanna go there asap!!)

arsha · 10 answers · 7mo

kalian kalo lagi falling in love, mood nya suka naik turun ngga? misalnya lagi seneng, terus abis itu uring-uringan

☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️iya bangettt☹️ SEDETIK SENENG KARENA CHAT DIBALESSSS, PAS RESPONIN CHAT DIA JUGA SENENG, tapi abis itu tetiba sad karena setelahnya nunggu satu jam gak dapat balasan lagi ☹️

arsha · 13 answers · 6mo

makanan apa yang dulunya kalian ngga suka, terus sekarang jadi suka?

TERONGGGGGG. SUMPAH. Awalnya aku mikir lembekkkk gitu gak enak, tapi setelah aku cobain terong goreng tepung, AKU JADI TERGILA-GILA SAMA TERONGG. KAYA AT LEAST SATU PEKAN SEKALI AKU HARUS MAKAN TERONG. Adulting adalah jadi doyan terong 💟

hafa :0 · 5 answers · 6mo

gimana cara ngehadepin rasa males makan yaa :(

Dengan PAKSA MAKANMNN POKONYA HARUS MAKAN JANGAN SKIP! Take care of your own bodyy please, okk! Tapi kalau misal masih ngerasa males juga.... Coba liat orang lagi mukbang :3 Aku biasanya kalau liat orang makan jadi kepengen jugaaa. APALAGI PAS LIAT SCENE DI DRAKOR MAKAN RAMYEON, AUTO LAPER.

hafa :0 · 15 answers · 6mo

pineapple or watermelon? bingung karna aku suka keduanya u_u [help]

Acacia S. Kariana · 5 answers · 7mo

Kalian pernah ngerasa annoying sama pertanyaan retoris gitu nggak? Atau kalian bakal tetep jawab kayak biasa tanpa sensi, atau malah bilang "masa iya itu aja nggak tau?" Gitu? No hard feeling, aku cuma penasaran pandangan orang lain aja

Tergantung orangnya 😭💧💧 Kalau itu orang yang emang aku gak srek dari lamaa, aku akan marah sensi, ahahahah. Tapi kalau itu orang yang akuu suka, sayang, misal keluagra atau temen-temen aku beda lagi :P Malah akan aku jawab dengan rinci dan sepenuh hati T-T

Isela. · 4 answers · 7mo

How do you forgive someone?

Umm, when I think they already feel sorry for me? Or when they decided not to repeat the mistake twice or even moreee. But mostly, I just 🌟 forgot 🌟

Acacia S. Kariana · 4 answers · 7mo

Guys, for AU purpose, kalian kalau ngechat gebetan pertama kali kayak gimana? Atau ke mantan yang masih disayang juga gapapa! Sumpah, aku lagi buntu banget

Aduuh, jujur aja dulu aku sebelum pacaran sama mantanku, aku itu CEGIL BANGET?? Kayaaa, dulu kita emang temenan baik sebelum akhirnya mutusin buat pacaran.. dan sempet lost contact. Jadinya pas lost contact itu, aku chat dia bilang kangennn terus aja. Dari aplikasi a, b, sampe email dia.. ahahaha, maaf sangat cegil T^T

Daiciiii · 9 answers · 8mo

Hello buddy! is there anyone can suggest me one song from your favorite artist? Coincidentally, I want to explore new songs

YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO WHY DON'T WE, PLEAAAAASE. THEIR SONGS AAAARE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Emm, if I have yo suggest you one of them, then perhaps.. "How Do You Love Somebody" ??

Aishlynne · 16 answers · 8mo

How’s your day?

Today's so-so for meee. Because I'm staying at home AAAALL DAY TODAY. I miss my friends ☹️💧💧

kEFFYYY ✩ · 15 answers · 8mo

prefer manis atau asin atau asem atau apa

Gaak menentuu. Tergantung mood aku gimanaa. Kalau mau asin, aku akan cari yang asin, atau yang lainnyaaa

kEFFYYY ✩ · 9 answers · 8mo

how was december so faaarr

I haven't find the excitement, yet! ☹️ EH, I THINK THERE'S ONEEE THAT EXCITED ME. When my friends and I went to the expo together! Also on that day, the first time I had long conversation with a new friend of mine from Papua New Guinea!! Soo much fun!

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