Jonael · 5 answers · 6mo

What if one of your closest friend is cheating on their lover? What would you do if you know that fact?

I'm kind of someone who doesn't want to interfere other's business, tbh. But if it's my friend, I'm going to say ‘lo goblok’ to their face and ask him to stop his cheating agenda or at least break up with their lover first.

Good question. As someone who never agrees with cheating, whatever the reason, whatever the means, cheating is cheating. Maybe I'll talk to them out of it, but if my words don't work, I won't interfere in their relationship anymore nor giving any advice if they asked for it. And if something happens, of course I won't interfere or defend it.

udah pasti aku marah dan nanya ini alasannya apa dan kenapa dia ngelakuin itu. kedua kalau aku tau alasannya aku bakal kasih solusi dan salah satunya nyuruh putus tp kalau dia msh gamau juga yaudah aku gamau ikut campur sama urusan dia kalau tbtb dia ke ciduk sendiri

Jujur bakal omelin dia sih. Kayak, masa gak sadar kalo dia salah? Kalo udah dikasih tau tetep ngeyel, sebenernya aku mungkin bakal tetep temenin tapi yaa gak membenarkan perbuatannya yang itu.

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