Sheon · 11 answers · 4mo

Would you guys recommend me some sad songs? Bebas mau Kpop / Western / Indo, bcs my galau era is back. Thanks in advance.

my tears ricochet and all too well (10 minute ver) by taylor swift.. my duo that never beat the saddest song allegation.

malibu night - LANY
cause you have to - LANY
the apartment we won't share - NIKI
wish you were here - Neckdeep

Sparks by Coldplay is a masterpiece and really gets me feeling all the sad emotions. Also keshi’s entire discography.

Before, Onceans & Engines by NIKI. A walk by Yerin Baek. Perayaan Mati Rasa by Umay. Why don't you stay, Almost over you, Fade by Jeff Satur. First love by Nont Tanont

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