Berlyn ✧ · 13 answers · 5mo

valentine's day is coming >< could you recommend a love song that can make our hearts beat fast like 'dugeun dugeun' when we listen to it?

Sorry for late reply, sejujurnya lupa kalau kemarin valentine karena sikut sana-sini perihal pemilu. 😭 sebetulnya ada banyak tapi coba dengar lagu All my love by Seventeen.

can't help falling in love by elvis presley. i GUESS? this classic love song is perfect for creating a nostalgic and romantic atmosphere XIXIXI

DKDK by Fromis_9 never failed to make me feel like teenager falling in love for the first time.

You should probably check out invisible string by Taylor Swift. It’s such a heartwarming song that might just make your heart beat a little faster and leave you yearning for that warm and fuzzy feeling of being in love.

It’s you by Sezairi, Lover by Taylor Swift ft. Shawn Mendess, and Fallin’ All In You by Shawn Mendess. 🥹

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