Serenity · 8 answers · 9mo

Tell me how do you perceive yourself.

well, for me its like a adult who still have " that" childish vibe, and someone who like to be in his own world also sometimes its like have a so many personality.

The way I perceive myself, or myself-image, is subjective, of course, and can sometimes be negative when I compare myself to others in terms of physical traits, abilities, and achievements. It’s important to have the self-awareness to focus on your feelings and motives. Social comparison can be beneficial when trying to make improvements in my behavior or attitude and to maintain relationships, but it can also be harmful when I start to value myself less or diminish my capabilities.

such a good question yet difficult to answer! hmm, I think I perceive myself as a person who is thirsty to know myself better and hungry to understand my life. a sensitive and melancholic person. an intuitive person who can understand my surroundings better. a person who always tries to protect and show my love to my beloved ones. ah, I wish I could answer this question longer, but I'm still trying to understand myself better. ty for the good question, anyway!

I am a stubborn person, do not like to be controlled, like to sleep and play games. I am also loyal to the people around me who I consider good. But if there are people who dare to hurt people that I love, I will come forward to defend them. Picky eater, like to cursing, rarely to talk except we already knows for a long time.

That's a hard question. I don't know—maybe I am someone who has will to live, at least for now, trying to survive day by day. I am someone who is actually lost at hope, but still find lights somehow. I am someone who does not know to answer about everything that is going on. I think that's just how a lot of people perceive themselves. As a human being, we are just going to follow the scenario God prepared for us. For the rest of the day, it is up to God because we have tried our best.

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