˚ ᷂ ⠀⠀ 𓏲 ⠀ ⠀Aera。 ⠀⠀𓂃 · 21 answers · 1mo

˚⠀ 𓏲𝄢⠀ Question
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Of The Day.ᐟ⠀ 𓂃⠀
❝What's The Most Beautiful
⠀ Place That You Have Visited.ᐣ❞

It was an..Attraction of sort in Las Vegas. Located inside Area 15 (not to be confused with Are 51) is a meow wolf experience called "Omega Mart". It starts off as a grocery store, but things get weird...but also beautiful at the same time, with all the secret passages, you may find yourself in a room that looks like it's full of beautiful crystal-like things.

I'll say it until I'm blue in the face - Oeschinensee (Switzerland) is heaven on earth.

hm... i haven't travelled a lot but up in the mountains in colorado are absolutely stunning. especially up by grand lake- it's really nice :)

It'd be hard to pick just one, but some of the beaches in Mexico and Brazil are among my favorites.

The mountains where my grandparents live. It was very beautiful, they went on for miles… It was so green, it was gorgeous. Of course, I have visited many many beautiful places, this is just one I feel comfortable sharing.

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