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Laundry Express · 10mo

hi hello, Wave! if you don't mind, could you please give us a shoutout & rt our pinned tweet?

we're a soon to be basic closed agency offering 24 hours laundry service that'll wash away your problems in the blink of an eye. come and pay us a visit, we'll provide you with our best service 🫧🧼😉

Lotta. · 6 answers · 1y

hi! how are you doing today? gimana bulan Juninya this far?

SIBUKKKK and will probably going to be a hella packed week karena mau ngejar bisa sidang terus emang kerjaan biasanya peak di juni. But I had a fun one so far!

Lotta. · 12 answers · 1y

3 top jajanan yang biasanya beli di indomart?

Biasanya beli French Fries 2000, Maxicorn yang merah, atau enggak Yupi yang bear. Dicari teman hidup yang mau menghabiskan semua yupi orange biar gak mubazir, soalnya gue gasuka.

abel · 1y

apakah kamu bergejolak seperti ombak

Yessabelle Anami · 16 answers · 1y

Hi! Would you mind sharing what your current favorite song? I need some new music recommendations.

Bukan lagu baru sih tapi gatau kenapa dari kemaren lagu suka dengerin Moral of The Story - Ashe ft. Niall Horan!

Wave apa betul · 1y

Hai wave kalo lagi bosen biasanya ngapain? I feel burnt out dan bosen sama semua kegiatan, i feel so bored idk what to do.. im so bored w life :n can u suggest me something to do?

Nonton. Gue tau jawaban ini sangat tidak produktif, cuma gue menganggap nonton adalah getaway paling gampang kalau lagi jenuh dan butuh escape for a few hours. I usually pick ones with heavier plots biar bener-bener kedistract pas nonton. Biasanya kalau udah kaya gitu, terus tidur bentar, I wake up feeling more recharged!

Ryota · 17 answers · 1y

Drop your current favorite songs!

Jujur dari kemaren mood gue adalah repeat Peterpan yang "Mungkin Nanti" sampe pusing... GWS gue...

Bianca Lilyanne · 26 answers · 1y

temen temen, urgently needed. saran kado buat Ibu? kalian yang pernah atau kepikiran tapi belum sempet, ngasih apa aja tuh biasanya?

Gue suka kasihnya yang bisa beliau pake sih, kaya baju atau kerudung. Soalnya seneng kalau kasih kado terus sering dipake.

love, lily. · 1y

happy val's day, kak wepi! <3

MAU MINTA MAAF SUNGKEM SM IYEM karena aku udah lama gak buka retro. Happy Val's Day, Iyem. Thank you for always making me feel loved with your presence <3

Ryota · 9 answers · 1y

Tell me a good news that you've got this week!

Dapet kopi gratis :3 I am waiting for big announcement next week semoga buat next week ada berita bagus juga!

Wave apa betul · 1y

hati-hati di jalan, abang.

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