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zizi · 11 answers · 1y

wyd kalo di keluarga kamu tinggal kamu yang jomblo? 🥹

Biasanya jadi tempat cari saran yang logis soalnya nggak ada efek emosional dan nggak kebawa POV pasangan yang punya hubungan 🙏

zizi · 10 answers · 1y

kok kalian punya pacar

Pertanyaan 9 bulan lalu dijawab sekarang ternyata masih relevant (soalnya belum punya pacar)

zizi · 8 answers · 1y

knp kok ga bosen2 www terus?

Sampai hari ini cuma pernah www as in Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Zi..

Laurelle · 9 answers · 1y

After realizing that you just did something stupid, what will you do next?

Making it a subject of my raw material of overthinking that will pop up at any time to embarrass myself (cringing myself at its finest).

Arsenio · 1y

Do you currently loves someone atm? Arsen keren tuh. 🥺

zizi · 8 answers · 1y

any tips on how to get rid of ANTS from your room?

Laurelle · 9 answers · 1y

When you have a crush on someone, will you text first and re-text them if they don't reply? Or will you just wait until they text you? A friend of mine is contemplating. Which one do you think is wiser? 💭

I prefer to text first or re-text again if they didn't respond to my chat for hours or maybe within days, with some kind of meme or anything light and funny that doesn't need an immediate reply! It's just me trying to show them that I think of them when I see this or that, and because the things make me laugh, I hope those things will make them laugh too— anything to let them know that they're always in my thoughts!

Laurelle · 6 answers · 1y

Dropping by to say thank you for hanging on until now, and please don't give up. 🌷🤍

Thank you for dropping this warm message and hopefully you know that it goes the same for you, Laurelle. Thank you very much! You made my day. :)

Anonymous · 1y

Do you think you're being honest with yourself or other people?

Well, in my own way, I always have. But again, to understand the truth, one should master The Art of Truly Listening.

zizi · 10 answers · 1y

bagaimana caranya mengikhlaskan? 😂

Jawaban seriusnya mungkin ada di 5 Stages of Grief kali ya, Accepting the Unacceptable. Jawaban kurang seriusnya jadi telor ceplok mengkilat sebagai coping mechanism. Jujur nggak tau, Za. Dunia ini emang banyak nggak menyediakan jawaban..

zizi · 9 answers · 1y

tips on how to kill boredom?

Coba cek youtube terus play video 10 jam nggak ngapa-ngapain. Nanti bosennya semakin menjadi-jadi terus jadi ada ide pengennya ngapain

Laurelle · 6 answers · 1y

Name something you proud of from yourself! 💌

Anonymous · 1y

Do you have a nickname?

Laurelle · 6 answers · 1y

Have you ever had an experince on one sided love? How did it went?

zizi · 12 answers · 1y

kok gak ada yang naksir sama aku ya -,-

Tolong siapapun yang baik hati dan bisa memanusiakan manusia ajak pacaran adikku ini

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