Pandy · 10 answers · 3y

Do you think 2021 will be better for greater society than 2020?

I don't think it can be better necessarily when the current goal is just not worse than

Maybe not. We're due for a big recession. At least that's what every economist is saying.

something needs to change, too bad there are so many people who will tell you that now is not the time...spoiler: for them it is NEVER time, if it were up to them nothing would EVER change, someone, something has to agitate and snap those people out of it, or we are getting another shitty year, and it STILL will not be time for change for them 🤪

I think things are going to get worse and worse in the coming years. If for no other reason then because of global warming (and environmental devastation in general). But I think a lot of seemingly unrelated things are coming to a critical point because we don't have a lot of time left. Even if 2021 is better, it'll only be a temporary break.

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