Pandy · 9 answers · 2y

Agree or Disagree - Which side are you on: The world would be a better place if all men had a reversible vasectomy at childhood until they can prove that they are a suitable husband/partner and an upstanding member of society?

Humanity should get extinct. So please, sterilize everyone (men and women) 🤓🙃

I think we should all have “locks” on our fertility at birth until we decide it’s time to procreate. Then we can unlock it without anyone’s permission. But this needs to be a safe procedure with zero consequences and side effects for me to be fully behind it.

Disagree, it's the kind of elitism that's helping escort us right down the shitter - who decides what 'suitable' and 'upstanding' even means? And why do I have the sneaking suspicion it's going to be almost entirely affluent white people who meet the standard?

I once read that surgeons can implant tiny faucets to achieve this. The term "better" in that context is a bit vague. To give up your reproductive ability will never happen until humans as a species are just shy of cannibalism and extinction. Not before. And under these circumstances it is too late to turn the world into something "better".

Disagree. Sounds a bit dystopian. It shouldn't be too difficult for men to just not be violent - granted, testosterone and all that.

I'd probably just ask all men to watch the Quantum Leap episode, 'What Price, Gloria?'. Its my favourite.

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