Pandy · 9 answers · 4y

Would you ever go back to a job you left?

Hellllll no. So glad to be out of there. I love my current job. Hope I never have to leave it.

Nah, it felt like slavery tbh! Sometimes I needed to sleep at the office because my boss demanded the never ending problems to be solved by the morning. The pay was also pretty low.

I only left one job so far, hard pass.

Apparently this company isn't doing so well with holding onto their engineers last thing I heard.

No. Like past relationships, if you're broken up there was probably a good reason. Also personally I'd feel like I regressed in life doing that.

In the abstract yes, with the right people around and the right environment (and the right pay) - but there is no job in my specific past where any of that applies

I wouldn't go back to the same library I worked at, mostly because I moved away, but I would definitely be very okay with working in a library again.

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