LaDamaX · 9 answers · 2y

What has worried you lately?

The deadline of the project that I'm involved in is approaching but there is still a lot of work to do.

Everybody, really everybody in my environment seems to develop severe illnesses plus a few covid cases. Co-worker has been diagnosed with brain cancer, though a silent one it already has the size of a plum. It resparks bad feelings about myself which I do remember quite well still. it's not rational, I know.

I just feel really incompetent and not able to contribute anything meaningful to anybody. My mental health is virtually non existent at this point - having said that, I've had periods of mood upswings recently but I've been increasingly despondent alongside it and thinking of suicide.

I don't know how to get out of this. I've had seemingly more people turning to me for stuff and I've been trying to be supportive for them but its one thing after another and I just can't pour from an empty cup anymore.

So this week's theory is that I have heretofore undetected slow intestinal bleeding, and I have been asked to inspect my stool for blood and/or undigested food, which sounds like an absolute blast, lemme tell you 😭

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