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Anthony R · 9 answers · 1y

What type of movies do you enjoy?

I need escapism, build me a world and let me get lost in how ridiculous it is ... romantic comedies is what I'm saying 🤡

The ones that aren't just two hours of beating you over the head with, "protect the status quo"

I guess action, particularly Marvel movies. Also like some fantasy, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. And I like comedy in spirit, though I find most comedy movies to be really stupid. (Some are really good.) I've watched a few little-known foreign films and really liked them. I think a lot of the movies I like a lot don't fit well into any particular category.

I recently got out of "A haunting in Vegas" other then horror and mysteries, I like anime movies...there was one recent movie I did not like though, and that was Kandahar. I fell asleep when they showed that for one of Regal's Monday Mystery Movies

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