Pandy · 6 answers · 3y

On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being hating it, 10 being delighted), how proud are you of the place where you live?

Not that I’m not proud of it just at this point It’s safer for me to go somewhere else you know what I’m sayin?

5? I don't care at all, it's a place to keep me from boiling alive in the summer and from getting rained on, etc. just give me clean and comfortable and some good internets and I'm fine

State? City? 1

My apartment? 10, in that I am delighted to have it, was very lucky to get it, and very lucky to keep it. Not really proud of it, though.

I'm still delighted with my own home ( 8 ) and with my spare home which is a boarding house ( 7 ).
Absolutely delighted with the home of my friend Marie who owns a drop dead place where I am allowed to live any time when I want. ( 10 )

I am not proud, that is the wrong word. Proud of myself because of that? Nah. THough I earned it because it is my Karma and I don't feel ashamed.

10/10. I don't live in the house I still own but put in a ton of work renovating it for over 2 years. Renovating a home is A LOT of work. Was happy with the end result.

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