Pandy · 7 answers · 3y

What makes up you're ultimate christmas dinner? :)

Christmas dinner is basically Thanksgiving redux, although I've seen some variations of it substitute roast duck for the turkey. We (my family and I) typically make some kind of spiral ham with honey glaze and sometimes a pork shoulder.

Soup - I’d call it broth, you’d call it Scotch broth. Turkey with oatmeal stuffing, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, French beans or mange tout, carrots, and lashings and lashings of gravy. Then fruit trifle.

Cheese, jamón Serrano, Seafood, several types of canapés .. All that as appetizers. Then we have some meat as main course usually

I'm not thrilled with most of the stuff in a traditional Christmas dinner. I guess green bean casserole is one of the things? I like that. My aunt made stuffing once with sausage and stuff in it, that was really good.

Potato salad with hot hotdogs and cold beer. That is our ultimate custom here. It is the basis for festive drinks like glogg, champagne or red wine or scotch. Why, I hear you say, must we be drunk to experience x-mas? Simple. The burden of making everybody happy and feel loved is more than anybody can manage. So relax and lower expectations and be easy and lovely and balanced. Do not shout at children to wash and be neat. Sit down and play their games. You'll find this more x-massy than anything else.

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