Pandy · 9 answers · 3y

Has someone who knows you ever forgotten your name? (if so, how close were they?)

Not really, just colleagues I see once in a while that address me as 'hey boss' because they low-key can't remember... but it's weird, blanking on my name is whatever, but I take it more personally when someone I've known for years spells my name Shawn

I'm sure....not only my name but everything about me lol. We were really close or that's what I thought ,🤷

I get called Mom by my students from time to time. In fact, it happened today over Zoom.

I think I have lost it myself on a few occasions. And sad enough also an old crush, which was a bit of a pain though I only adored her from afar.

Even my nicknames have my actual name in them, it’s basically impossible to forget my name 😂

My name is long and weird, but I don’t think anyone who learned it has forgotten it (to my knowledge).

No. Alot forgot my name tho, semi acquaintances or distant relatives, it's expected.

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