Pandy · 9 answers · 2y

Would you rather live in USA or UK? Please explain your choice. (Inspired by Daniel)

Possibly the UK but I need to know a lot more about the barbecue and hot wing joint situation over there, I am highly skeptical it will be up to snuff

There are pros and cons to both, but if I could take my family with me and have easy access to the things that are culturally important to me, then I’d pick the UK.

USA because I understand better (and I like more) the american accent. Yeah..I'm a weirdo, I know. Also, it rains less there in general, right? Lol.

The USA is a racist, sexist shithole third world country.

The UK is clearly superior on all issues that matter.

UK, gerrymandering isn't widespread thanks to an independent Boundaries Commission also I'm less likely to be shot for parking in the wrong spot.

UK. Though there are obscene examples of recent idiocy plus nationalism in UK, those have not yet reached the US levels. Also in UK we already have idiots with power while we do not know what levels of delusion the US are aiming at when Biden gets out.

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