Pandy · 10 answers · 2y

What are your thoughts on 'cancel culture'? (i.e. mostly good/bad?)

a bit of both. i remember when people tried to cancel the dixie chicks ,harry potter movies, and oreos

mildly annoying to plain bad. depends on how far the destruction from the mob reaches into real life.

ragging someone anonymous shitposter online can be solved by leaving the computer, but doxing someone and then getting them fired over non-violent acts such as speech is over the line. if someone is so despicable that it warrants prosecution leave the cancelling to the pros and get the police involved and then expose them all you like if it doesn't interfere with investigation.

It seems like a new game still under the old rule of the top principle: double standards.

It's heavily abused. And yet not used at all in some cases. Depending on the person🤔

Cancelled for being a racist dickhead, a sexist twat, a kiddy fiddler or a spouse beater, no issues. Holding a different philosophical viewpoint not so much.

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