Pandy · 8 answers · 2y

Have you ever met someone you have absolutely despised? If so, what was it about them that caused such a visceral reaction?

It would have to be politicians and such, I don't despise anybody that I have met in person, I'd have to have some kind of investment to care enough to despise them, if someone were that bad I would just disconnect and tune them out before it ever got to 'despise'

Yeah… I went to the college admissions and records office. the student line was super long but since I was faculty I went to the faculty waiting area. I was the only one there, and The lady at the window called me over. As I started walking towards the window, this disgusting woman waiting in the student line with her son fucking RUDELY and physically cut me off and went to the window herself, muttering that she had been waiting for a long time and she’d be damned if some entitled bitch cut in front of her- all the while making absolutely no eye contact with me. I have never hated anyone more.

Yes— a deacon from a local Catholic Church. He is one of the most egocentric persons I have ever met.

not sure I've ever hated anyone more than I hated my dad when I was growing up. He would blow up with extremely nasty rage, cursing and yelling and threatening with an extreme edge to it, at the slightest irritation. there was no predicting or escaping it. this happened on a daily basis from as young as I can remember until I was in my 20's.

I despise bullies and the reason is rather obvious I think. On a second thought some of these people bring up fantasies of utmost cruel torture and slaughter I would like to perform on them. Making leather belts out of their skin while they live and beat them with those is one. And other even more elaborate futile fantasies.
They bring out my worst dark sides with regard to brutal forms of bloody revenge porn. I will arrange for them to survive this. But not having a pleasant life afterwards.Sound of cracking bones is played in the soundtrack. From afar some remote yelling can be heard. "CUT!"

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