Pandy · 10 answers · 2y

What is the most common example of racism you see when you're going about your day?

Don’t really pay attention it’s got nothin to do with me and that’s all I need to know

my father REFUSED to allow me and my sister to learn to drive. We had to fight so hard to get him to “allow” us. You CANNOT not drive in LA. Especially if you’re a college student living at home and having a 30 mile commute. There were so many tears and slammed doors and crying fits. I REALLY had to fight for the right to drive and finally he broke down when I was 19. Same story with my sister, who was 2 years younger. My younger brother ? Got his license at 16 :) no fights, no arguments. But my mom still doesn’t drive and now she has to take the bus everywhere because my father doesn’t feel like driving her places. So fucked up.

The people who do the dirty work behind the scenes - cleaners/kitchen porters/sweeper-uppers etc - are usually people of colour, while the front of house staff are usually white.

People here assume that people with an asian background always eat rice, no matter what their actual background is.

The dirty looks that I or others get when we’re speaking to someone else in another language. Mind yo dannn bidness… Nothing to do with you! 😡

Janitors and such tend to be black more often than not. Also Walmart employees.

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