Pandy · 8 answers · 2mo

Where are suitable and unacceptable places to hit on people? (i.e. flirt and ask out etc.)

Do not hit on me at work.
I am paid to be nice to you.
I hate being hit on at work and anyone who thinks it's acceptable to hit on someone at work is an absolute creep in my opinion.

I don't want to be hit on it flirted with anywhere at all.

But work is just tacky because you know they are doing it on purpose because they know you have to be nice to them. Creepy

Church? (Unacceptable). The labor and delivery room of a hospital? (Unacceptable)

Weddings are the best place ever, should probably avoid the bride but everyone else is fair game 😛 honestly there is no such thing as an 100% unacceptable place, it's highly situational, but the vast majority of people have no sense of the moment and how to read a situation, so they are better off never trying to secure the bag at a funeral or whatever

do not hit on me while I am working - I am paid to be nice to you. other professional settings perhaps? if they are working and I am there as a customer/client/etc also not really appropriate (doctor, teacher, cashier, etc.)

I don’t love people approaching me for no reason but as long as they are respectful and don’t react badly to a no i’m ok with that. other than that I don’t take issue to people hitting on me

I'd say there are places that offer more and harder obstacles than others. 'Four weddings and a funeral' told us that there's hardly any unacceptable places. However, there are occasions when I would not dare to stare at a love interest.

Suitable: workplace, packed bus, checkout queue.

Unsuitable: restroom queue, geriatric clinics, church (this one is debatable).

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