
"[dionysos]. swoony type, long hair, bedroom eyes, cheeks like wine." ā€” euripides, bakkhai

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Ɖsterelle Ā· 2mo

halooo, aku izin meninggalkan jejak di sini yaa. Kesukaan kamu akhir akhir ini apa kalo lagi gabut? atau apa ada saran game yang asikk?

Hello, Esterelle! Akhir-akhir ini aku lagi suka main game ojol aja nih kalau lagi gabut sama nonton film! Kamu fomo juga ngga sama game ojol ituuu?

š“ƒ  Ā· 5mo

apologies for the unexpected visit to your retrospring. i stumbled upon your profile through the reply base and felt compelled to express my admiration. you are absolutely stunning. this is just an honest compliment with no other intentions. wishing you a happy new year.

Hello! I genuinely appreciate your kind words. Thank you for the unexpected but delightful compliment! Wishing you a wonderful New Year ahead! <3

š“ƒ  Ā· 5mo

hai! aku sender ssefnum. ā™” terima kasih telah bertahan sejauh ini, semoga di tahun yang akan datang kamu bisa menjadi jauh lebih kuat, jauh lebih hebat dan jauh lebih baik. aku bangga sama kamuā”€ā”€ā€Œdan aku pikir semua orang bangga sama kamu. ā™” jangan lupa untuk berdoa menurut kepercayaanmu agar kebahagiaan serta segala harapanmu terwujud, semoga Tuhan selalu melindungimu. ā™” -šŸ•Š

Hi there, sender ssefnum! Your message truly means a lot to me. It's heartwarming to receive such encouragement, and it inspires me to strive for greater strength and improvement in the upcoming year. Thank you for your prayers and good wishes ā€“ I hope they come true for both of us. May we both be blessed and protected. Much love! ā™„ļø

š“ƒ  Ā· 5mo


Oh, not at all... I could never measure up to an idol. Still, I appreciate your compliment. Your praise truly brightened my dayā€” you're incredibly sweet! <3

Gerrard. Ā· 8 answers Ā· 5mo

What do you think sama orang yang gampang move on? Semisal kalian punya hubungan 5 bulan, dan ex kalian itu cuma butuh seminggu buat move on sedangkan kalian sampe berminggu minggu atau berbulan bulan. Is that normal? I mean, gua selalu cepet move on karena prinsip gua kalo udah selesai yaudah, jangan liat ke belakang, tetep terus liat kedepan. But some of my friends said that was a little bit weird so, what do you guys think? Lemme hear your opinions.

I think everyone has their own way of dealing with breakups, so there's no right or wrong way. Maybe your friend has their own way of handling it. The most important thing is to do what feels comfortable and makes you happy!

Mahira C. Ā· 5mo

Hi, kakak pretty! Aku sender anonim di menfess Retrospring, mind for followback? >____0 Thankieees.

Gian Ā· 5mo

Hello! It's me the sender who wants to exchange links with you. Don't forget to follow me back. Have a nice day

š“ƒ  Ā· 5mo

hi do u set ur eyes on someone?

arisya Ā· 5mo

Do you already set your goals right now or not yet?

Absolutely! I consistently establish my goals, starting from the smallest and progressing to the largest. I set smaller objectives every month and overarching goals on a yearly basis. Currently, I'm also in the midst of formulating new goals for the year 2024!

Wyatt Hudson Ā· 15 answers Ā· 8mo

What is something youā€™ve always wanted to learn?

racing! yet, there are numerous reasons why i hesitate to give it a try, but the foremost one is my lack of courage :]

Noa. Ā· 8 answers Ā· 8mo

What's your all-time favorite dessert?

oh i love this question! iā€™m a huge dessert enthusiast, and there are so many iā€™d like to mention! tiramisu, cheesecake, gelato, macarons, strawberry shortcake, croissants, crĆØme brĆ»lĆ©e, tarte tatin, Ć©clairs, brownies, mochi, choux, and many more! šŸ§šŸ°šŸ„šŸŖšŸ¦

š“ƒ  Ā· 8mo

Hello, Cath. I saw you in the reply section, and I like your vibe. You're very beautiful. May I have a talk with you?

i never expected to receive such sweet compliments on this hour! iā€™m flattered to hear that! šŸ„ŗ thank you! <3 sure thing, iā€™d be delighted if we could talk, whatever the topic may be, iā€™ll welcome you gladly. please feel free to reach out to my DMs! šŸ’—

š“ƒ  Ā· 8mo

ā€˜nlooo precious people, this is rowses! i'm new with retrospring and i noticed you drop your retro on ssefnum. soo, would it be okay if i get a followback from you? sorry if this seems random, but i'd love to be friends! ^^

hello rowses! i've already followed you back. it's totally fine! i'd be delighted to be friends with you. cice to meet you. don't forget to rest because the weekend is just around the corner! šŸ’—

š“ƒ  Ā· 9mo

henlOu!! i know we barely even know each other, but one thing that i know is you did really greeeaatt todaaayy!! thus, you DESERVE a good night sleep with your cozy blanket and both sides of your pillow are warm. thank you for surviving another day! šŸ¦¢ ā€“K

i am deeply grateful for your thoughtful reminders that warm my heart. may your acts of kindness continue to be rewarded with abundant happiness. thank you, sweetest soul! ā™„ļø

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