Claire · 9 answers · 3y

What is more annoying for you, when someone walks into your room without knocking, or when they leave without closing the door after?

🥀 that's why you put your undies on the door knob😭 ain't no way someone is that desperate not to knock. ( 🔴The only annoying thing is when your summoned without a peace offering) 😭 it's just wrong!

the latter. my mom does it all the time. and then cats start coming in that aren't supposed to be in my room. I don't mind if anyone comes in without knocking.. if I was in need if privacy my door would be locked. And I like the company / the fact that they bother to come see me. =p

Definitely #2. We have an expression in Spanish when someone doesn’t push their chair in or close the door behind them— Traes la cola muy larga. Which basically translate to— My...what a long tail you have. Meaning that they have such a long tail that they can’t be inconvenienced or bothered.

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