cLOUD · 7 answers · 3y

What’s bigger ... your mommy issues or your daddy issues ?

Mommy issues. My dad is just a hardass who wouldn't let me wear skirts. My mom was kind of psychotic, and a gaslighter. She tells me I'm crazy or "just imagined" the horrible stuff she's done to me when I bring it up.

Mommy by a mile, I always suspected that there's a tendency toward opposite sex issues, mommy with sons and daddy with daughters, but nobody will fund my study 😢

def my daddy issues. it would be interesting if you took a large-scale survey to see what's more common in people. (my money would be on daddy issues)

Daddy issues I guess - tbh I'm over the need to prove myself to my parents. Not to brag but I'm in a decent place now - its been hard but I'm on the path to happiness.

Probably my daddy issues. But it's possible that my mommy issues are just as debilitating and systemic but that I'm not as aware of them because her means of damage weren't as overt.

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