Merida · 8 answers · 3y

Is there any circumstance for which you would marry a stranger or someone you just met a few days ago?

Well, such a situation looks like it happens in books only, usually those marriages are carried out by businesses?

Money for both of us and we won't live together anyway. If everything is clear, I would marry. It means nothing to me.

Yep, if I had a 30 day freedom guarantee and specialists picked out someone very compatible for me and to my taste.

true story- I was a broke AF college student and I thought long and hard about a very nice cash offer I got from a very pretty Mexican girl to marry her for citizenship, not a complete stranger, but she worked in a restaurant that my buddy waited tables at, so we'd chatted some before...she ended up going back on her own though 🤷‍♂️ I don't think I would do that now. Maybe if she had a story, like running from Colombian cartels or something, I could be swayed

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