Merida · 10 answers · 3y

What was the last song you listened to? Was it your choice or just random music from the radio? And finally, how did it make you feel?

I saw a clip on Twitter, and someone linked to the full version on YouTube.

I like it and think there should be a new subgenre (if there isn't already) combining traditional folk music with drum and bass. Gnome and bass?

Something from my playlist of ❤️ songs on Spotify. I think it was probably Hay Días by Santiago Cruz -

Some Persian song. It was a choice. I wanted to listen to some mellow music. It was alright.

Yesterday Justin Bieber was on the radio and it was that song where he just keeps going HOLY HOLY HOLY HOLY and please sweet Lord take me now... but I would like to take a moment and defend him as a person even though I insult him as a musician - if thirteen/fourteen year old me had access to millions of dollars I would be 100 times worse, like completely batshit insane and possibly dead, so I don't judge him as a person

Old song by Stevie Wonder : Superstitious. It made me feel jealous. I always wanted to play keyboards but I totally lack any talent for this.
The noose by a perfect circle. Last night i felt like listening to songs that i used to listen to during the darkest time of my life

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