Maladivas · 10 answers · 1y

Mind to tell me how do you cope with sadness?

hewooo...!! sureee kak i don't mind >_< to overcome sadness i usually try to entertain myself by doing things i likeeeee it. [ going to the mall to find my favorite food, watching my favorite drama at home, or telling stories with my friends! ]

BUT i mostly listen to some songs from my favorite kpop group <3 their song makes me want to dance and feel happy! 🐈💗

I choose to be silent or maybe share with my beloved one. And when the sadness came, I just accepted that feeling because I knew it wouldn't take a long time. I quickly got back my boost up.

Aaah.. sebenarnya kalau lagi sedih aku bakalan tidur aja tapi sebenarnya itu nggak baik sih karena kadang aku mikir aku lari dari masalah dan nggak mau ngerasain rasa sedih itu, padahal sebenarnya nggak apa-apa ngerasa nggak baik-baik aja. Jadi, selain tidur biasanya aku bakalan dengerin lagu sih, tergantung mood.. kalau aku mau a good cry then I listen to a song that can make me cry. Tapi kalau aku lagi nggak mau nangis aku nonton konten yang lucu aja di Youtube.. sampai aku lupa kalau aku tadi sedih. :D

Bear in mind you wouldn't know what is happiness if you're being a nemesis for your sorrow.

I rarely feel sad actually, when that happens I usually block myself in interacting with people. I'm the type to speak up at the right time, so if I choose silence, then it's better that way. But usually the sadness doesn't last long, I'm good at managing my mood, I know what can bring it back and boost it up. Some of them are by listening the songs with full volume, watching something funny, or even interactions with my favorite person. Luckily I'm an expert in forgetting sadness and problems.

i cry it out.. a good cry until i don’t feel sad anymore OR talk to cora cause she always have 1000 ways to cheer me up (you should try this one highly recommended)

Spending my time doing things that I have a great liking for is the best thing that I could choose instead of being drowned in grief. Most of the time, I was just like reading books or else watching some shows that could lighten my moods? And of course, I would like to write something because that thing basically is helpful to me whenever I need any medium to escape from such feelings.

my therapist used to told me that; having emotion and feeling is what human does. if you're great at expressing yourself, then it's a gift! i learned it hard way our feelings are always there, either it's all happiness, anger, along with the sadness too. i don't try to cope— nonetheless, i live with it. i accept that i am sad and do something, cry if i could, to release that emotion so i wouldn't collapse at the end (which is worse, honestly)

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