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Ask Helen Anything!


Andromeda · 7 answers · 2mo

Something that others might consider weird but you think they have to try to do at least once in their lives?

Not weird, but sleeps outside under the stars. (You may catch a cold, but it's beautiful)

Andromeda · 7 answers · 3mo

What are the weirdest things that you secretly enjoy?

Andromeda · 6 answers · 3mo

What is something that others might consider it as trivial, but for you it is a rather big deal?

Quiet. The value of quietness is often overlooked. "Quiet" should not be mistaken for passivity. It can carry a strong sense of purpose and intention. In a world filled with noise and constant stimulation, finding moments of peace and silence can be incredibly refreshing. The ability to be quiet and attentive allows for deeper understanding and empathy. Quietness allows each person to gather their thoughts and express themselves when ready. Quietness creates a peaceful and calming environment, even fostering a deeper connection between partners.

What's Your Name? · 3mo

Kamu beneran bikin link fwa?

What's Your Name? · 3mo

i like you a lot (as a friend!) i really hope we can be closer 💐💌

I'm happy that I'm an 'okay' person to you! Let's be the absolute best of friends ❤

F1 · 9 answers · 4mo

What type of lover are you?

I'll come back to this quest when I experienced my first romantic relationship.

Andromeda · 12 answers · 4mo

What is your most favorite romance trope, and why do you like it?

I'll think of it as movies or books, so a classic Strangers to Lovers! I just adore the idea of two people slowly getting to know each other, asking all the cliché questions. (I love talking about myself).

Andromeda · 12 answers · 5mo

How do you usually deal with the fact you have been severely betrayed and lied to?

What's Your Name? · 5mo

Are you romantically attracted to girls?

F1 · 15 answers · 6mo

Saran dong kopi yang enak selain Tuku dan Kopi Kenangan? 🤎

Andromeda · 6mo

Tahukah anda bahwa kepiting adalah binatang yang punya banyak teman, karena dia a crab.

What's Your Name? · 6mo

Pernah ga kamu ngerasa hidupmu keliatan suram, semua kerasa hampa dan sunyi, ga ada warna satu pun yang terlintas di mata kamu?

What's Your Name? · 6mo

So are you single right now, or someone has caught your attention?

Single with no one but my thesis in mind. That doesn't include my celebrity crushes.

What's Your Name? · 6mo

What's a small gesture that always makes your heart melt?

Just someone who listens attentively and remembers small things I love. Someone who understands and respects my pace, since it takes me so long to open up and feel laid back around new people.

What's Your Name? · 6mo

What's your favorite genre? Boleh minta rekomendasi gk?

Hi! I don't have any top favorites, I watch every kind of genre, but not really a fan of fantasy and superhero movies. Boleeeh, rekomendasi yang kayak gimana??

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