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Andromeda · 8d

Tahukah anda bahwa kepiting adalah binatang yang punya banyak teman, karena dia a crab.

R. · 8d

Kalau bisa punya kekuatan, mau punya kekuatan apa?

TELEPORTASI. Mau pindah ke berbagai tempat hanya dalam jentikkan jari. Pengen pulang tiap hari dengan cepat (maaf anak rantau).

What's Your Name? · 10d

Pernah ga kamu ngerasa hidupmu keliatan suram, semua kerasa hampa dan sunyi, ga ada warna satu pun yang terlintas di mata kamu?

What's Your Name? · 10d

So are you single right now, or someone has caught your attention?

Single with no one but my thesis in mind. That doesn't include my celebrity crushes.

What's Your Name? · 10d

What's a small gesture that always makes your heart melt?

Just someone who listens attentively and remembers small things I love. Someone who understands and respects my pace, since it takes me so long to open up and feel laid back around new people.

What's Your Name? · 10d

What's your favorite genre? Boleh minta rekomendasi gk?

Hi! I don't have any top favorites, I watch every kind of genre, but not really a fan of fantasy and superhero movies. Boleeeh, rekomendasi yang kayak gimana??

What's Your Name? · 10d

Have you truly been in love or are you just want to feel something?

Okay, felt attacked. Nope, I've never really been in love. Do I need it atm? Not really, but I'm standing with open arms. Do I need constant reassurance that I can actually love and be worth loving? 100% yes.

What's Your Name? · 20d

rest well, bebe!! <3

Thank you so much, babe! I hope all the storms in our lives pass quickly without us even realizing! ❤

erika · 2mo

helene chang kamu keren sekali aku senang temenan sama kamu

hi, ale! · 2mo


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