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Andromeda · 12 answers · 6mo

What is your most favorite romance trope, and why do you like it?

Rival to lovers. No particular reason but there’s just something, let’s say in movies, about ending a heated combat with giggles and stolen kisses. Hehehehehe.

The classic trope of strangers becoming lovers. All of my relationships before were based on this trope. 🥺💛

Slow burn romance!! It's all about that drawn-out tension that keeps you on the edge, waiting for that magical moment when everything finally clicks into its place. Whether it’s enemies-to-lovers, where two people go from absolutely hating each other’s guts to realizing they can’t live without each other, or friends/partners-to-lovers, where the connection deepens over time—slow burn is where every glance, every word, and every touch is loaded with meaning. It’s the kind of makes my heart race and had me screaming, "Just kiss already! KISS ME" because the payoff is always worth the wait!

The slow-burn of two people getting to know each other with the tension of realizing they’re actually falling in love too, no matter how hard they try to resist it—turning into two lover with a healthy relationship dynamic.

Having your lover/partner who can also be your best friend. I also like the trope of two lovers being destined to each other, knowing that they are each other’s fate.

I don’t know the reason, I just like the idea of that kind of fantasy.

Enemies/friends to lovers, betting and secrets. I enjoy the thrill of the tension between two person in public when they are madly in love or crave for one another in public.

I'll think of it as movies or books, so a classic Strangers to Lovers! I just adore the idea of two people slowly getting to know each other, asking all the cliché questions. (I love talking about myself).

A healthy one. Frankly speaking, I'm into the person, the trope wasn't a problem as far as it's for and with someone I love who's also genuinely loving me.

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