Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 3y

Now I believe in the story about Noah's Ark. As there were only one pair of each on that ship there must have happened inbreeding with apes. Which explains the painful behaviour of humans during the pandemic.

I had a conversation on a plane once with a nice American man I’d never met before. I can’t remember what we were talking about but mammoths (or some other long extinct animal we only have fossils of) came up. He said (with a straight face) the reason they were extinct was because they “didn’t get on the ark.” I guffawed with laughter because I thought he was joking. Sadly, he wasn’t.

Hey speaking of inbreeding, I'm pretty sure Noah was the one whose daughters got him drunk and had their way with him - that's one they keep out of Bible school

Smh...(I'm a horrid christian) stories of lilith https://youtu.be/R8VXhLGMDQM and satan's entanglement with eve creating the tainted lineage of cain is something that spark curiosity. https://youtu.be/TO5eXjyyzB0 History is but a page with hidden passages stuck between pages. (Playing Devil's Advocate) 🥀We claim to be human but deep down underneath formalities lay creatures wild beyond imagination (given the chance. )

Caine killed Abel, therefore he must've banged his mom and aunt-sisters long before Moses. So totally plausible.

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