Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 9mo

When you ask your friends for advice but they give you a reality check instead of supporting your delusion? Should friends do that? or pamper you in pink molasses?

It depends if they hold it close to them. Otherwise it can't be changed without them noticing it and willing to change it.

I think every situation is different and I try to put myself in their place - like I wouldn't wanna shit on my friend's dream even if I think the chances of it happening are slim to none, I would just try to be supportive... BUT if they are about to end up dead or in prison or something then yeah I would hope a friend would jump in and do the reality check

it depends. sometimes you need a reality check. sometimes you just need the support.

Supporting their delusion only hurts them and/or whoever else is involved in their drama/activities/whatever. A good friend grounds you in reality (or, at least, earnestly tries to relate their own take on what the reality is) rather than just being a yes-man.

No, friends are supposed to ally with our not-so-smart ideas. At least that's what I do.

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