Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 12d

Did see my hair-do girl. I only need to cut the tips. I thought I could simply do it myself but when I tried my arms and hands lacked the extra joints plus a third arm and hand to hold the mane while cutting. How do you do it? Lady-Hair-Do-Parlour or DiY ?

I let it grow until I am sick of it and then buzz it all off, rinse and repeat forever

sometimes I go full Britney Spears and just buzz it, then I regret it. Normally I go to someone else

I’ve been DIY since the birth of my son. Doesn’t really matter though cuz my hair is always up in a bun.

I am doing nothing w my own hair other than washing, drying and styling it. That’s what my uni days were for. I’m an adult now.

I dye it myself but if I need a trim I got to the cheapest hair dresser I can find

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