Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 6mo

Do you do online-dating? How much does it cost?

Well, I was interested to try it maybe 1-2 years ago but did it in the wrong way, just seedy apps, didn't want to pay money on it but the ones to pay for would have more safety measures.

nah personally I'm out on it - everybody pulls out their little checklist and deletes anybody who doesn't check all the boxes, that is a good way to end up forever alone - just get in a room with somebody and let the chemistry commence (or not, it happens)

there are free sites and there are professional 'matchmakers' who will charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars...hey it's their money, whatever - and everything in between

Nope. Mine was the generation before online dating. I was married and had a baby before the launch of MySpace. TBH, I think online dating can be a little scary and more anxiety inducing than just going about your day and meeting others organically. I know it’s not the same for everyone though.?

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