LaDamaX · 10 answers · 3y

Whenever we did something that we shouldn’t have as children, my mother would tell us that God would punish us for our bad behavior. What’s something that your parents told you as a child but you never believed?

That she was going to slap me into the middle of next week.

Ok Mum - sure you have time travelling hands, ok.

Swallowing gum meant they'd have to operate on my stomach to remove whatever pile of gum was sitting there. Since gum wasn't digestible.

My great grandma used to say that. I believed her. One time a neighbor kid was being a jerk so I told him god would punish him. He thrust his hips toward the sky in a humping motion and said “god can suck my dick.” he wasn’t immediately struck down. Next time my great grandma tries to pull the god trick on me , I gave her this look

Mine didn't wait around for God, she would break her foot of in my ass herself... anyway mostly that shit about lower school grades, your 'permanent record' my high school grades were completely irrelevant the day I got accepted into college and have never come up again

My parents never told me anything like that. We had beatings. I think I screamed "Oh god my eye!" Once that's the closest to God there ever was😄🙃

I never believed I would be as good as the neighbor's daughter. (My mother wanted to be better. SO- She constantly would say: Why can't you be more like her?) Tragically, I was hyperactive, independent, energetic, loud and hardly submissive.. lol (no lie it hurt)

A woman's worth depends on how well she cooks and do the housechores and she's complete when she becomes a mother...

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