LaDamaX · 8 answers · 12d

On a scale of 1-10…( 10 being I am spry and chipper and can keep going like the Energizer bunny and 1 being I sit on the couch for the rest of the evening/day in a semi vegetative state) how “spent” do you come home after work?

Normally its about a 4 but the last 3 months have been ridiculous - so something like an 8. Its amazing the impact a boss has on your life.

I am not an extrovert of any sorts but also not an introvert in the classical sense either. Which means I do receive energy by social interaction from people but also invest own energy. When there are too much such interactions that balance tilts to the negative side. I do from intense and multiple customer interaction loose energy. So sometimes I'm like the Energizer bunny without battery and sometimes still going but at half the rate. Afterwards I need to refill, recover, recharge. A bit of Kate alone at home is then required.

I guess a 1, sometimes I cannot bother even getting up to get the food I had delivered, taking out the trash is a bit too far, maybe later

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