LaDamaX · 9 answers · 10d

Whats your favorite 90s song?

Hard to pick just one, but I really like "Say Hello 2 Heaven" by Temple of the Dog (singer Chris Cornell). It's a really difficult song to sing, too, because toward the end he hit this very high note, and I like a good challenge. :)

Again I have way to many favourite songs from different decades I don't even know what decades some songs are from.

I have no idea, I'd have to categorize all my hundreds of favorite songs by decade...I don't tend to know/think of which song is from which decade. But some that come to mind that are probably from the '80s or '90s are Wumpscut - Thorns, Loreena McKennitt - Greensleeves, Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner, Linda Brava - Flame, Madonna - La Isla Bonita, The Kelly Family - An Angel..

I can't really do a single, I like different things for different times and places and vibes

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