Januar Eadwald. · 17 answers · 1y

Would you forgive someone that hurt you for years?

depends. agak dendaman tbh, apalagi for years >3< forget iya tapi forgive kayaknya nggak??? 😵😵

Forgiving someone who hurt us for years means we're forgiving our old self as well and i would do so for the sake of dealing with my past! 😬

yes, i would. but it will took a long time for me to accept everything that they do to me.

I will forgive them, but it will take a long time for me to accept what they did to me.

I would. I know it's a hard thing to do, but I did it for the sake of my own. By forgiving, I've opened up a pathway to a new place of peace where I can persist despite what has happened to me in the past.

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