Sean ⚡🤖 · 8 answers · 2y

What's the dumbest/weirdest place that you have found something you needed (like your phone, keys, etc.) but have no idea/memory of how it got there? (If this is just me then forget I said anything 🙃 )

Found a tube of shaving gel under a pile of clothes a few days ago, No idea how it got there, and it turned up after I'd bought a new can of shaving foam.

Found my wallet in my fridge once (which is very weird for me as its always in a set place).

Uh… this is my life. Nothing is ever where it’s supposed to be. I think my phone gets up to no good when I’m not looking. The other day I found it on the dish rack… uhhh why? How? So unsanitary!! What was I thinking !

I don't know, I don't have a good memory, but I remember one time my wallet was missing, I was looking all over for it, and my sister was concerned because it was a problem if I'm missing my wallet because her then boyfriend was a known thief and he'd sometimes come in the house, but fortunately I found it.. it was underneath something random for no apparent reason that IIRC was just a little bit bigger than the wallet. It's a good thing I happened to look under that thing, out of all the million things in our house (we live in a big house of hoarders:p)

I found my phone in the charger of my electric toothbrush. After searching it like mad. I fear it isn't only you.

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