RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 2y

Can your ocs play any musical instrument? How good are they at their craft?

Briar dabbles with the guitar and can hold a beat on the drums. Minerva is very skilled pianist, and violinist. Summer lacks any talent with instruments but has a beautiful singing voice.

Norra can sing better than what she gives herself credit for, though she's at her best when she's in a comfortable place. Meanwhile, Bozidar has an ear for music, but not being able to play himself. However he'd be one to make musical inventions similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q.

Nicola (an OC that's still in the works) is a Master when it comes to the Theremin.

Emille's great at near every instrument due to his dabbling into music as a kid while Suzuen can play the lute pretty well as per his lorekeeper training (Lustrorius likes the sound). Ironically translates to him being able to belt out a mean spanish riff on a guitar because Emille taught him.

Dawn owns a guitar and is often her stress outlet. It often speaks as well as Lillith does regarding her underlying feelings. She holds talent, but it would be little more than a hobby for her.

Dusk might have a musical ear and even his own flare, but frankly lacks the skill and patience to pick up an actual instrument.

Fausto's good with drums and electric guitar because he would practice with his older brother's equipment when he wasn't home, he doesn't play much however so he's a bit rusty

Lionel can play the piano and Estella can play the cello. Both of them are pretty dang good at it too.

Despite doing their best to act anything but, they ARE still from a noble family and got taught a lot of proper etiquette and classical culture.

Lex thinks he can play the drums but he can't.

I have some PokéOC girls I REALLY need to redesign and stuff that are singers if that counts!!
They've been doing it their whole lives and are currently working as an idol group :3!! So they're VERY good!! They even had an interesting collab with Roxie hehe

I’ve said before that Mary can play the violin like Lindsey Stirling, but little known fact she’s also not too shabby on the piano.
I also have an OC I’ve yet to really share that’s a professional musician ;3

Odd started Piano lessons at an early age, and later became a pretty active member in his high school/college's music clubs which led to him being a sub-in for both upright bass and the harp.

With a combo of Odd's dexterous hands and his brain's uncanny efficiency at commiting things to memory, he can tickle the keys/strings well and proper (though it has been hot minute since he's had a chance to play)

Each of the Argentium siblings can play at least two instruments, but the general rule is that one has to be ingrained in high society (piano, violin, flute, etc.) and the other relates to another culture (steel pan, zither, accordian, etc.). It supposedly adds to their whole "cultured" appearance that stems from their perfectionist mentality.

Wolfgang thinks it's unnecessary, since it adds on to their already bountiful amounts of self-induced stress.

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