RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 2y

would your oc win in a fight against 100 lions

LMAO no, Yorra would be the easiest snack ever (but if Buttons or the other guy is around then easily yes)

If he had enough focus during the brawl; in that situation, he'd most likely warp around their pouncing waiting for an advantage, and when the time was right pop a portal in front of one as it was attacking to turn it against the pride.

Fausto yes, first he’d duplex the first lion into the three of the other lions and then-

By themselves, uh...
I think maybe Mahra messing with their minds, or Albright if he had enough ammo.
Everyone else is pretty screwed. Sivrit takes out the most before going down though.

Mariah would tame the lions somehow LOL and Andre would get the lions to fight each other

Elio quite literally has the power of God and Anime on his side, soooo... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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