Aiden. · 8 answers · 1y

Tell me about your favourite song and why you like it?

The Only Exception by Paramore. It's just so sweet to see our little hearts healing, making its own way to believe in something that we don't. I know that we will be healed, eventually, no matter how hard it is and no matter how strong the wall we've built.. the time will come.

Lagi suka dengerin nolza-tbz sama i hate you woodz pagi-pagi biar semangat 👍🏻

BANYAK, tapi akhir akhir ini lagi suka lagu Rock and Star - Fourth Nattawat. Ini lagu bikin salting banget.

so let's love by DAY6 and come as you are by Young K! I find that song written very beautifully and give me comfort :D

For now I'm gonna saying it was Take A Chance With Me and I like it just because the song resembles my feeling really well. NIKI serves a good song is indeed a fact.

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